Rolfing® Structural Integration is the most effective and most valuable manual therapy approach to creating lasting changes in your body. Rolfing changed my life. I’ve experienced first-hand the immense value it can bring to yours, and that’s why I chose to do this work.
I help my clients find ease and comfort in their bodies and gain freedom from chronic pain without drugs! Rolfing is a sophisticated, unique approach geared towards better alignment and more upright posture to resolve chronic pain and discomfort.
If you answered “Yes” to any of these, then Rolfing may be exactly what you’re looking for.
Rolf Movement may be advised anytime during a series to further integrate previous work. Distortions of body structure are caused by responses to life experiences that engender habitual ways of perceiving and moving in the world. Over time, such distortions of natural form may become self perpetuating patterns which block opportunities for personal growth. Utilizing a somatic sensory-motor approach to movement education helps you optimize and sustain structural ease through balanced movement behavior. A movement session makes you aware of your current movement and perceptual responses. We explore sensations of free and fluid motion during breathing, walking, bending, lifting and other 'simple' daily movements. Through this sensory-motor experience you learn to embody efficient and graceful movement.