My journey into bodywork began with my martial arts training. I began to look inward at the limitations of my own mind and body. I realized working around machines and chemicals was not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. I needed to bring about a change that could challenge me on many different levels.
In 2004 I chose to study at National University of Health Sciences outside of Chicago. This chiropractic college had a night massage program which was very challenging. The doctors there taught the medical side of massage with an in depth emphasis on anatomy.
My first massage practice was set up in Mannheim Germany. I worked with soldiers and their families dealing with the everyday stresses of military life. This was a great experience that set the stage for my career.
I have been a resident of North Carolina since 2008 and I practiced the Posture Zone rehab exercise protocol in various therapy departments. I have earned their certification (CPEP) and worked with many postural issues. Here is a fun interview I did with BodyZone discussing the posture protocol.
In 2017 I completed my training at the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration where I became certified to practice Rolfing Structural Integration. Please inquire about this unique modality which has completely changed my own structure and still allows me to move effortlessly.
I practice in Fayetteville at the Guiding Wellness Institute.
I practice in Sanford at the Sanford Yoga & Community Center.
Please visit my full site at Freedom Rolfing.